The Beauty of Unity
Conflicts are global, they do not longer belong to precise spot drawn by geographical borders. Consequences, same way as paint spreads around,go far beyond outlined boundaries.
Beyond Outlined Borders
Abstract Design techniques for static information are well understood, their descriptions and discourse thorough and well-evolved. But these techniques fail when dynamic information is considered.
Developing immediate impressions from the first instant a user looks at a piece, or within a short time span, is extremely useful. The systems become useful tools for tracking instantaneous trends in dynamic information sources. invisualizations of such data sources can exist in the background, as an ambient component of one’s environment, and still be effective.

The Beauty of Unity
Every place has its own complexity and uniqueness. In this project I don’t want to unify the world in a generic way, but I still want to support my idea of absence of borders and beauty of unity, which I described in the first chapter “Beyond Outlined Borders”. The main idea is to create landscape based on existing geographies. I was looking for the way to merge different areas in a way they maintain their uniqueness, but can co-exist in symbiotic relation with surroundings.
In my work I used code which transform random landscapes to one, unified shape. Transition occurs in time and it generates unrecognizable and utopian geography.

This Blinding Absence of Light
Humans are unable to distinguish color in conditions of either high brightness or darkness. In conditions of insufficient light, perception is achromatic and ultimately, black. As my topic I chose forgotten conflicts. In a black, empty book viewer sees projected pieces of information.
Once the projection is gone there is only a publication without the content. It creates a symbol of transience. We are shifting towards the world, in which content is not as important as the connection to it. Discoverability, given the excessive amount of information sources, seems crucial.

Different Point
of View
Initial idea was to create a series of drawings, which has to be seen from different perspectives and depending on the angle you are looking at, you see different proportion of the color. First stage of looking as if canvas was a flat surface placed on the wall, in that case there is no expectation to have something on the other side. There are two types of canvases with reversed proportion of the color, in this case it is navy blue and red, each of them represents the way of looking, a certain choice of seeing things.
The next step would be to look from the other side and find out there is a different proportion of both of the colors and there is no one point of view, but the combination of things, because everything has its other side. It contributes to the general idea of seeing the bigger picture. There is no true or false, you need to know the context in order to understand and accept things; to stay open for the dialog, as for different interpretations.